Hey Everyone!! I know its been awhile but I would like to say WE DID IT. Knowing Worth Inc had a successful first teen summit on June 8th 2019. We had 25 teen girls in attendance and they had a great time. All of our speakers were amazing, and they discussed many great topics. I would like to say Thank you to Dr. Christina Kirk, Halle Corbin, Aleshia Overall, Shelia McGill, Dr. Courtney Barrett-Johnson. Dr. Boykins, Jenni Woods, Tiffany Harris, Brooke A Turner and Tempest Rankins. All of these great ladies took time out of their busy schedule to provide information and wisdom on their specific workshop.

I would like to say Thank you to all of our awesome sponsors Adalia Sosanya Real Estate, Nigel Mask Experience, Chick-Fil-A, Party City, Mood Party Rentals, Kita's Desserts, K Nicole Writing, Mary Kay Cosmetics, I'm Janeese Martina Hair, Hair is our name, Rankins Family, Sigma Sigma Omega and Alpha Upsilon Foundation. If KYW didn't have the support from these awesome sponsors then our summit wouldn't have been possible. Thank to a few people who provided assistance throughout the summit. Our Ambassadors Alyssa, Shantoya and Quanysha. Thank you Mardece Rankins for providing assistance with cleaning up and transporting items. Thank you Deja Harris for providing assistance with setting up items for the summit. Thank you to all of the awesome KYW board members. Thank you to the KYW treasurer and president Latoya Mason and Tempest Rankins for providing assistance throughout the summit. Congratulations to the first KYW scholarship recipient, Chance Taylor. She will be attending Southern Unviveristy in the Fall.

This is the first of many summits for Knowing Your Worth, and we anticipate next year to be bigger and better. We would love to see your teen girl next year, so if you have any questions on registering or attending the KYW Teen Summit in 2020 please contact us at knowingyourworth8@gmail.com.
It's almost the end of July and it will soon be the beginning of August, so school will be starting again. Knowing Your Worth is collecting donations for school supplies and feminine hygiene items to donate to a few schools. If interested please send your donation to our paypal link: paypal.me/knowingyourworthinc
If you have any questions please contact us at knowingyourworth8@gmail.com
Knowing your Worth has a lot of new and great things for the 2019-2020 year. We will be posting updates on our website and social media.
I would like to leave you with this amazing quote from the amazing tennis player, Serena Williams.
"It's really about taking one moment at a time and trying to master those moments."
Remember your teen years are suppose to be great and fun. During your teen years you accomplish many great milestones, so remember to cherish and master those moments because they go by very fast.
Here are a few more pictures from the 2019 KYW Summit.
